Back when Tim was in Webelos, his dad led his den in a knife building project.
Tim still has that knife, though it would not be legal in Scouts nowadays.
Now it's Tim's turn to do the leading, and Joseph's turn to do the building.
All 17 boys in Joseph's den assembled their own pocket knife at tonight's meeting. Quite a few of the dads, and a few moms offered support and encouragement during the project.
Other than a few small details, the knife building project was a big success, with some very happy campers taking home their new tools.
Some traditions are worth the extra effort to carry on.
1 comment: is where the pocket knife kits were purchased for this Webelos project.
We selected one of the easiest kits & the leaders placed the parts on cafeteria style divided plastic trays to distribute to the Scouts.
Special (star) screwdrivers may be required. We borrowed some tools from the local community college's computer tech dept.
Hope this helps!
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