A Prayer of One Who Accepted the Invitation
Peter in the glow at Lake Padden

O good Jesus, open my ears to your Word and your voice, as you did open the ears of the man possessed by the deaf and dumb spirit, by the application of your sacred spittle, and close them altogether to the voice of the world and of Satan. Anoint me with the oil of your grace so that I may spread abroad, as it were, the divine odor of you in every place. Give me a firm and lasting peace with you and with every kind of creature. Clothe me in the white robe of your holy innocence and divine purity, both bodily and spiritually. Dispel the shadows of my darkness, filling me with your heavenly radiance.
Set me on fire with your sacred love and cause me to be a shining and a burning light, to illumine and enkindle all my associates with the light of your knowledge and the fire of your love. Finally, if I became a source of joy to all the citizens of heaven, to the Blessed Virgin, the Eternal Father, yourself, and the Holy Spirit, when by baptism I was delivered from the power of Satan and admitted into the divine company of angels and saints, and even of the three divine and Eternal persons, and if in token of this joy the church bells were rung after I was baptized, cause me now to live henceforth in such as way as to continue to be a source of joy and satisfaction to the court of heaven, the Queen of Angels and the Most Blessed Trinity. Grant also that I may find all my satisfaction and joy in serving and loving you.
~Saint John Eudes (+1680)
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