Friday, March 5, 2010

Peter and the Knitters

"It will take me about 10 minutes, Peter. I just need to take a few photos of the prayer shawl knitters."

Famous last words!
Like you can just drop in on a group like this (with Peter in tow).

Peter was the delight of the ladies knitting, and was invited to learn the craft.
He loved it, and brought home a set of borrowed knitting needles to complete his first project.

He's been wanting to learn how to knit or crochet for at least a year.  I'm not very qualified to instruct in those crafts, and being left-handed, I show everything backwards.

These ladies (including Betty seen teaching Peter) are such a gift to our community.
Having prayer shawls to bring to the sick and suffering is such a tremendous gift.
Many thanks to all the prayer shawl knitters!

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