New Eagles Take Flight
A group of 3 Scouts celebrated achieving their Eagle Scout
ranks last night. Bryant, Eddie, and Isaac each earned the award, before turning 18 and heading off to college, etc. Last night marked the event with a special meal and awards presentation. There were so many returning faces, it was really a reunion. It's always great to see the Scouts and adults who have 'graduated' and moved on.
Zachary, as the senior patrol leader, was invited to lead the flag ceremony and light the candles in the candle ceremony. I made sure he was taking notes when the Eagle Scouts presented their mothers with bouquets as a gesture of thanks for all their efforts behind the scenes.
The traditional 'pin the engraving on the plaque' captivated our attention (NOT). A few of us adults (see photo of Michael) decided to start a new tradition of timing the Eagle Scout to see how LONG it takes him to screw the little engraved marker onto the plaque. The winner last night was Isaac, at 2 minutes and 30 seconds. We tried to get a round of "Out the Window" going to help pass the time more enjoyably, but the boys wouldn't join in. We settled on the old Jeopardy theme/tune.

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