Yesterday Zachary got his driver's permit.
Now he's hitting the road as a learner.
His driver's education classes start next week, and he's enrolled with a good friend.
He'll have almost a full year to practice before he's 16 next August.
The experience at the Department of Licensing was traumatic enough that Peter has declared to all that he will "never" get his driver's licence or permit.
You can just imagine having 3 boys plus a friend at the DoL from 9:40 AM to 12:10 PM. WAITING. WATCHING. WONDERING.
It's a real act of patience to visit a place like that. On the way home, Zac admitted that his friend, Monika, had warned him NEVER to go to the DoL on a Thursday....
I was dumbfounded when he brought that information to light. "Why didn't you mention that BEFORE we went today??"
"I dunno. I forgot."
Thursday is the one day of the week that the DoL opens one hour late. So all the people who arrived at 8:30AM were in line before all of us who showed up at the opening time .It was nice that 2 of Zac's friends were there (one by arrangement, the other by chance) with a parent. We passed the time in chit-chat, between side-long glances at the digital number display and the clock!
I called Tim at the end of the ordeal and made plans for 2013 when Joseph is ready to get his permit... It's Tim's turn to visit the DoL!
Oh, sweet Moses, there's an Adams kid behind the wheel! Good luck, Mom!
JMJ. Say three Hail Mary's everyday for safe driving. When you are done with the 3, then say "Our Lady, Queen of the highways and sky ways, please see all of my family and loved ones safely to their destinations and home again this day."
I love the photo and the DOL story.
I need to check your blog more frequently...apparently it is the way to find out what's going on with all of you.
I, of course, prefer gabbing on the phone but will succomb to checking your blog as my information source.
I greatly enjoyed all of the stories. God bless you all!
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