
Monday, March 19, 2012

the Hearse and the Cement Truck {Zac's Eagle Project}

One of our family's ongoing ministries at our parish includes serving at funerals.  The boys as altar boys, and I as sacristan, have served at many, many funerals over the years.  Almost every funerals comes complete with a hearse, but the most recent funeral also came with a cement truck... Well, the funeral itself didn't come with a cement truck, but Zachary's Eagle Project was cemented right in the middle of a funeral.  So half of the family was within, and the other half was without, and I floated in between capturing a few shots for the official record of this amazing and ongoing Eagle Project.

Ferndale Ready Mix to the rescue!

A hero of this stage of the Eagle Project is our dear and fellow Scouter Tom G., who has spent countless hours of his free time away from his family volunteering to complete some of the very technical aspects of the pre-construction form assembly and site prep.  With the help of a few co-workers and a very mellow dog, Tom anchored the cementing operation while allowing Zachary to play an active part in the 'mud' pour. 

Tim slipped away from work to be on site for the big moments, but stood back as a supportive spectator to let Zachary take the lead.
The beautiful sight of completed forms at Zac's Eagle Project almost overshadows the beauty of (nearly) spring blossoms... soon and very soon the carport will be truly built. 
After the cement pour and funeral Mass, Zachary updates our beloved pastor, Father Qui Thac Nguyen, over lunch.

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