
Saturday, March 17, 2012

17 March {St. Patrick's Day feast}

Many Irish (and Scottish) ancestors on my mac-side of the family means St. Patrick's Day has always been celebrated in fine style.  Adding to the cause for festivities, Zachary chose St. Patrick for his patron at confirmation.  Although I don't dye the milk green as my mom always did, we're whipping up a great feast for supper tonight.  Tim and Joseph spent the day in 9 feet of fresh powder on Mt. Baker, and will most likely return very hungry and worn out.

On our St. Patrick's Day menu: Potato Leek Soup (thanks, Kim!); Corned Beef and Cabbage; deviled eggs (a la Peter); Irish soda bread and green (mint) ice cream for dessert.  If only my Grandad Michael O'D were still alive to teach our boys how to dance a jig! 

More university correspondence arrived in the mail for Zachary this week, sent by a state school {a fall-back choice} requiring a few forgotten items.  Somehow the sending of Zac's official SAT scores to this school was overlooked in the last minute dash to complete the application before the deadline.  Oh, and they also want his home schooling teacher to submit an academic resume "detailing how your home-based instructions fulfill the College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADR's)."

The list of CADR's included the standard English, math, lab science, etc.  But one of the CADR's caught my attention, as I didn't know exactly what was meant by "2 credits-single world language."  I Googled it, and was shocked to read this freaky article on single world language.  Zac interpreted 'single world language' to mean one language, not two years of Esperanto.  However, this all leaves me to wonder if Zachary's 2+ years of Latin will be acceptable for the state institution.  More will be revealed...

With the Job Corps start date quickly approaching (March 20) we still do not know if Ezra will go or not.  He has not called to make arrangements to collect his belongings or to ask for a ride to the JC center, which is about one hour south.  We are still holding out hope, but his sister Keziah (already at Job Corps) worries that he'll back out, and she admitted Ezra's famous for changing his mind and bailing at the last minute. Perhaps God's plan for Ezra doesn't include Job Corps?  The high school student who's hosted him these past few weeks agreed to let him stay until March 20th, so if Ezra does decline the JC offer, he may need to find another place to stay.

In a random drawing to reward great tooth brushing efforts, the orthodontist pulled Joseph's name out of the hat.  The good doctor himself called to congratulate Joseph and ask him to please come collect the movie-themed prize basket and pose for a photo holding the   With great cheer (not always easy to spot on a 14-year-old face) Joseph carried away the loot: a variety of salty and sweet snack foods; a DVD; movie theater passes; gift card to rent movies; all packaged in a plastic popcorn bucket.  Fun!

Our favorite (former) foster twins have spent four nights here in the past few weeks, and their growth and development at this age (19+mos) comes in rapid bursts.  We now have a little boy who will throw his head to the floor in anger (a little head-banger!) and a little girl who will throw her whole body down for a good tantrum should the need arise.  "Leia" brought her high chair to me as I cooked in the kitchen, and climbed in (hint hint), saying "eat! eat!"  Bath terrors are back, although today with maximum bubble action and Peter in a bathing suit to show them how much fun it could be, they decided to give it a try.  "Luke" wanted out immediately, but held it together until hair washing time.  We love having them come visit, and truly enjoy being able to help their mom as needed. 

Zachary's Eagle Project... look for another post coming soon...
Good news to report!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

I bind to myself today
The strong virtue of an invocation of the Trinity,
I believe the Trinity in the Unity
The Creator of the Universe.
~ from St. Patrick's prayer

For a whole bunch of Quick Takes,visit Jen @ Conversion Diary!

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