
Monday, March 12, 2012

Chili Cooking {Contestants}

Placing first in 2010 and second in 2009, Peter and Joseph set their sights on reclaiming the Knights of Columbus Chili Cook-off trophy for Sacred Heart.  Their best efforts and buffalo-themed entry earned them second place and the trophy headed away with long-time Assumption chili cook-competitor, Kathy St. H.  One of sixteen entries in this year's contest, the boys' chili earned many compliments. Quite a few expressed surprise to learn that the buffalo chili entry was entirely their doing (save the earning of the dollars to purchase the ingredients). 

From the shopping and chopping to the serving and promoting, this cooking competition thoroughly engaged their imaginations and super competitive genes.  Peter made an extra effort to work the crowd prior to the close of voting, and confidently chanted out "number five" to encourage votes.  Of course, they counted on five family votes, plus two from Grandma Billie and Grandpa Cliff.  Winning over a few extra votes could have made the difference between second and first, but somehow the competition gained the lead.  Somewhat satisfied with second place, the boys considered it a hard-fought challenge against worthy opponents, all for a good cause.  Let the (buffalo) chips fall where they may!
 Peter takes a brief break from his chili station to visit at the table.
 Grand Knight, Tim introduces a visitor from Idaho.
Tim and Harvey count the votes at the annual chili cook-off. 
Happy with second place, though not thrilled, Peter and Joseph celebrate.
Joseph and Peter are congratulated by our pastor, Father Qui Thac Nguyen.

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