
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zachary's Eagle Project {or the absence thereof}

His Eagle Project hatched when Zachary was only 14 years old, 
in progress for the past 3 years,
and the saga continues...
Zachary shares the carport building plans with Grandpa Pete.

A detail somehow overlooked, concerns about the plans to trim or remove the existing hedge in order to install the concrete footing may require an amended building permit before Zachary can begin the project.

Hundreds of hours in volunteer efforts have already been logged toward Zachary's Eagle Project, though actually breaking ground still seems slightly elusive.   Conceived of in 2008, Zachary has persevered with the carport building project through serious cross-examination by the local chair of the Eagle Board, unimaginable set-backs and considerable red tape.  Zachary's efforts so far have included:
  • working closely with the architect (an Eagle Scout) who volunteered to design the carport for the priests' residence at our Church
  • promoting and coordinating a movie night fundraiser (against the advice of a well meaning adult leader who said it would be a waste of time) which brought in more than $4,000 toward the construction and permitting costs
  • consulting with the Church administrator, whose guidance ensures that all parish and archdiocesan requirements and rules are followed, and whose experience with city permitting procedures has been of great value
  • meeting with city permitting clerks on several occasions, meeting the various requirements and amending the plans accordingly
  • compiling the materials list of all needed building supplies
  • getting estimates on big ticket items (glue lam beams) and placing an order with a local building supply company
  • consulting with adults in the construction trade, gathering suggestions and seeking advice for planning the various stages of the construction project
  • writing a safety plan

Unfortunately, an oversight in the approval of the design/plans, means that the first phase of the building project is on hold.  Plans to remove or trim the existing hedge now in question/dispute, the  foundation structure design for the carport may need to be re-worked and re-submitted to the permitting department for an amendment to the existing permit.

Taking "Be Prepared" to a whole new level, a Safe Environment interpretation may mean that every adult working with Zac on his Eagle Project (on Archdiocesan property) be required to submit a background check.  Additionally, each volunteer must sign a hold harmless waiver before beginning work on site.  There's no doubt that if/when Zachary gets to actually begin working on building the carport, his leadership skills, organizational abilities, patience and perseverance will be fine tuned to say the least.

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