
Monday, March 5, 2012

Breeding Begins {Pigeon 4H}

Joseph releases on of the pigeons into the new loft.

After months of hard work designing, building and finishing (with a few more hours yet to go) the new loft is ready-enough to house the pigeons.  Several pairs are now nesting in special breeding boxes with the hope of little eggs hatching this spring.  Birds born at home will race back to this loft someday when they are old enough for competitive flying.  The old loft now stands vacant, abandoned in the shadow of the new Taj Mahal.

Members of the boys' 4H club will continue to give public presentations in the months to come, leading up to a crescendo at the NW Washington Fair in Lynden in August.  Joseph and Peter will be presenting not just pigeons, but also the loft building project in upcoming public speaking opportunities. Talk about a multi-disciplinary home school unit, this loft building project covers all the bases and then some, all taught by a great teacher and pigeon expert: Grandpa Cliff.

 Peter peeks out from one of the rooms in the new two bedroom unit for the pigeons.

Grandpa leads a careful study to find the right matches for mating.

Peter and power tools, under the watchful eyes of Grandpa Cliff

Looking in at the two room design, before the "window" installation

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