
Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen!

Jesus is Risen!
Peter and Joseph as thurifer/boat bearer 
lead the recessional after the Easter Vigil at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bellingham, WA
After 11AM Mass on Easter Sunday, Father Qui Thac leads Michael and Selloane and family as they praise God for an anonymous parishioner's $50,000 gift to their family. 
As Acolyte/thurifer, Zachary leads the recession on Easter Sunday following the 11AM Mass; closely behind are Peter and Nolan as a candle bearers and Joseph as cross bearer, and our beloved pastor, Father Qui Thac, who brings us Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!


  1. Beautiful Easter Vigil mass. Almost unable to contain the joy from the graces poured out by our beloved Savior. The tears and the Sacred Oil flowed that night, and Heaven rejoiced because of the newly Baptized and Confirmed Catholics coming home to the fulness of Faith. Praised be Jesus!
