
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

 for this solemn day on which we recall
our Savior's Passion and death on the cross
for our salvation:

Station XII: Jesus Dies on the Cross
The culmination of evil and the eternal victory of Goodness coincide!  He died for us, that we might live!  Every true good, every true love, every true life springs forth from this most blasphemous and most sacred moment.  He has reconciled everything!  Cloud and darkness are his raiment, his throne justice and right (cf. PS 97:2). There is no contradiction in God.  He is Peace.

Station XIII: Jesus Is Taken from the Cross
 This dead body is our handiwork. This is what we are capable of doing... We are those for whom Jesus died.  He died so that when we repent and seek forgiveness, the well of his mercy will always be open and full... How many friendships have ended because one who has betrayed will not forgive himself and so will not allow the other to forgive him?  This is the story of Judas.  Let us rather follow Peter.  He is absent from the way of the cross, but he leads the Church in the way of repentance.  Peter's life and preaching feed us by witnessing to Christ's infinite mercy.
Station XIV: Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb
In the Genesis of salvation history, God foreshadows the promises of Christ by bringing forth life from a barren womb.  Sarah gives birth to Isaac who bears the wood up the mountain.  In the fullness of time the virgin womb of Mary gives birth to Jesus Christ who bears the wood up to Calvary.  When it is finished, Christ is placed in a virgin tomb.  Three days later, at the pinnacle of salvation history, this barren tomb will bear witness to the promise of promises.

Majesty of God, behold the effects of unspeakable charity!  Look at your dear child's mangled body.  Examine those innocent hands from which flows sacred blood, and, once appeased, forgive the crimes which my hands have committed!  Look at this defenseless side, pierced by a cruel sword; rejuvenate me in the flow of the holy fountain, which, I believe, has gushed forth from him...
Merciful Father, why do you not look at the head of this most beloved young son, at the drooping neck, at this unusual death, and abandonment? O Gentle One, who produced us, consider the humanity of this beloved creature, and have pity on the weakness of all created flesh!  His bare chest is white; his torn side is red; his dessicated insides burn! The royal face is livid! The arms are completely stiff; his sturdy legs are left hanging; and from his pierced feet flows a wave of sacred blood! Oh! look at your Son's body, all torn, and them remember, O glorious Father, of what nature I am.  - Father John of Fecamp (+1078)

Good Friday Stations of the Cross reflections from Magnificat written by Fr.Richard Veras

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