Our dear neighbors are moving today.
Peter, Joseph and Zac help Tim (aka Dr. Dude) load the moving van.
Zac decided he would never own furniture after helping load the moving van.
Joseph hands Tim another load for the truck.
Peter helped reach tight spots, climbing along the walls inside the moving van (what fun!).
At their final Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart as parishioners, Nicole and Tim (holding Miriam and Hope) receive a final blessing from Father Qui Thac. Hannah had already departed with her grandpa, as his co-pilot in the moving van en route to San Diego.
Today we are saying farewell to our Goddaughter, Hope, and her family, Tim and Nicole, Hannah and Miriam. We have known this day was coming, and that it would be difficult. We have joined in their prayers that their decision to move would be in line with God's will for their family; though we selfishly wished we could keep them. Tim received a great job offer in their home town, at his Alma matter, USD. They are moving into a 4 generation home, together with Nicole's parents and her grandma. What a gift for Hope and her sisters to be so close to their grandparents (both sides) and aunts, uncles, and cousins.
How grateful we are for the years we have grown in faith and love with Hope's family.
Though we will be distanced by miles, we will remain united in each celebration of the Eucharist; and they will remain always in our daily prayers.
Saint Patrick, pray for us!
Ohhh I can just feel the sadness in that picture of Nicole as they receive the final blessing from a parish they loved so very much...our community will miss the Clarks and we wish them the very best.