
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moving On {Tenderfoot Fitness}

Peter at the 400 meter finish line 

Enoch, Nicholas, and Peter record their results in their Scout handbooks.

Older Scouts (older brothers) monitor the push ups and physical fitness exercises.

Troop Guide, Collin, assists Peter with sit ups.
Who's this happy doing sit ups?

Peter's new patrol, the Erupting Eagles, began the 30 day Tenderfoot physical fitness challenge.
For the next month, they will work to improve in the following physical feats: 400 meter run, sit ups, push ups, pull ups and standing long jump.

Most of these Scouts are very active and physically fit as they begin the challenge.  Some need a little extra inspiration (like a Tenderfoot rank requirement) to encourage them to work at improving a difficult physical test like pull ups.  Some begin the 30 days with only a .25 pull up (a quarter of a pull up) and work their way up to a whole pull up, or a pull up and a half.  Others begin with a handful of pull ups and work up to 10 or more.  Either way, the goal is to improve on a personal level, not to compete with other Scouts (though there are a few Scouts in my house who seem to have been born with an extra competitor gene).

Never mind the weather, it's a great time to get outside and get fit.  Ready, set, go!

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