
Monday, October 18, 2010

Webelos: Showman {Then and Now}

2010 Webelos Showman Badge

Webelos 1 & 2's prepare to construct & decorate a stage for their puppet shows.
As an assistant den leader for Peter's Webelos den, I taught the Showman badge in September.
Tonight is their grand finale, as they will be performing their puppet shows at the pack meeting for all the Cub Scouts and their families.
On Friday we met to construct, design, and decorate a main puppet stage and 4 different back-drops.

In 2007, I led Joseph's Webelos den in the Showman badge.
It was during our Showman meetings in 2007 that we met Boaz and Ezra, who had just been adopted into the Bergeron family.  I remember how Boaz and Ezra stood like statues against the wall in their matching neon yellow and green coats, just staring, as the den practiced drama skills under my direction.
Yesterday, we celebrated the 3 years anniversary of Ezra, Boaz and Keziah's arrival in the US from Liberia.
It's fun to look back at our early adventures with Boaz and Ezra, who became great friends and visited our home regularly with their brothers Judah and Enoch (all homeschooled).
Here I am helping Joseph's den in 2007 with stage construction.  
See Ezra and Boaz in the background?

This is one of the first nights we met Ezra and Boaz, as we were preparing the stage for the Webelos' den puppet shows.  Notice the two of them glued to the wall near their dad, Chuck?
It took a few weeks before they were comfortable joining in the den's activities.
Amazingly, they were both able to earn their Webelos Rank as well as their Arrow of Light and cross over into Boy Scouts along with their den.

Flash forward back to Showman 2010:

Nolan and Peter enjoy mixing colors to make a tie-dye house for their show's backdrop. 

Enoch paints the sunshine on his puppet show's backdrop.

Jonah puts finishing touches on the big red barn.
I'm excited for tonight's performances... they are cleverly written scripts
and the puppets are all quite unique~
just like the Webelos who created them.

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