
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Stork's Retirement {OB/GYN Career Wrap Up}

That's my dad!

The Stork is grounded.
No more midnight races to the hospital for my dad, as his (OB/)GYN days have officially drawn to a close.  Locking up his practice, sending off the charts, and closing this chapter of his career wasn't an easy move, but a necessary one, and Dad entered into his retirement with a style all his own.  A bittersweet moment to be sure, and one that we sure didn't want to miss.

Dad's last dictation for the patient charts

Business as usual for the first half of his last work day, Dad juggled hospital rounds, patient visits and office tasks.  Saving the best for last, he invited Aileen to be his final 'patient' since her mom, Kathy (+), had been Dad's very first patient in private practice.  Aileen gladly obliged, and brought two of her sons along for the (non-medical) visit. 

Lots of relics around Dad's office will soon have a new home.
Adorning the waiting area one last day
Dad's last patient, Aileen, arrives with boys in tow.
Aileen (and Ryan behind door) visit with the good doctor at his last office call.
Bridget, Sam, and Tim hang out together in the waiting area.

Back in his active OB days, Dad delivered Ryan, Aileen's son, as well as two of Aileen's sisters.
Proud retiring papa with his grandson, Joseph and daughter, Bridget
Time to lock up the office for good...
When the final hour drew to a close, Dad locked the doors one last time and we all cheered him to a waiting limo for a short ride to his retirement party.  Joseph and Ryan jumped in the limo, too, and their youthful enthusiasm kept the mood light and festive despite the emotional weight of the passing of an era. 

Party shoes on, the old Stork heads off in style for his retirement celebration.
An official retiree, playing the part in full color!
Father and son (Michael) load up the tunes.
My little brothers and me (Michael, Peter John and Bridget) at Dad's retirement celebration.
A happy retiree with his musically gifted sing-along-son, Michael
Many faithful friends turned out to wish Dad a happy retirement, and the genuine expressions of love and admiration for his healing ways were touching.  Wrapping up over 40 years in the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology, chances are pretty high that even though Dad's retired, he won't stop hearing the frequent call outs: "Hey, Dr. Pete! Remember me? You delivered me!"

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