
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Joseph's Eagle Project Day One... Guest Writer!!!

I am going over the plans for the rooms with Sonja

We see the overcrowded tack room as Sonja explains what is to be done with some equipment.
For the first day of real work on my project, I met with Sonja, the owner of Animals as Natural Therapy. Let it be noted that in 2010 I did volunteer work for this farm for a service requirement for a merit badge. For my project, I am outfitting the interior of a new meeting room/horse tack room. In the above pictures, we see Sonja explaining what is to be done with the new rooms. All this, and more, in the next installment tomorrow.

The old boot racks. As we see, the racks are too small, so there are many pairs of boots laying in front of the racks.

A view of me in the meeting room's window.

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