
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Germany in July {Zachary's Next Adventure}

Three generations together at Holy Mass on Laetare Sunday 2013
Technically it's still winter, but since the University of Notre Dame's spring break occurs this week, we'll call it spring and celebrate Zachary's brief visit home.  With Zac's second semester at ND well underway, he continues to enjoy intensive German studies and won a grant to study in Munich, Germany this summer.

We knew studying abroad was on his radar, and are thrilled at this opportunity for Zachary to participate in a one month German language immersion program in Munich at the Goethe Institut.  The fact that he will travel and study on a grant awarded by ND's Center for the Study of Languages and Culture (CSLC) sweetens the deal financially speaking.

Zachary and Joseph with Grandma Billie and Grandpa Cliff
Zac will return home after his final exams in May for a few weeks prior to his departure for Munich, and return again for a few weeks in the summer.  This will not be Zachary's first time as an international solo traveler, as he departed Italy a few weeks before the family on our pilgrimage in 2011 to be home for community college classes.  Living alone in Europe for a month will be a first; but promises to be a fine (if foreign) adventure for our first born son.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing opportunity! I'm thrilled for you all.
