
Saturday, February 2, 2013

St. Joseph Monastery {Kentucky Day 1}

Sister Cecilia Maria sews her new veil in preparation for her first vows as a Passionist Nun {photo from Nuns' Blog}
It's not every day one of you friends enters religious life...but today is one of those days!
Sister Cecilia Maria will take her first vows today as a Passionist Nun, and by the Grace of God, I am able to attend the Holy Mass at St. Joseph Monastery in Whitesville, Kentucky.  It's in a few hours, and I can't wait! I packed my camera, but may or may not be able to photograph during the actual Mass.  Time will tell.

A grueling day of travel yesterday, made possible with points accumulated on a well used VISA card, a gift of Marriott points from my well-traveled (and very generous) in-laws, and by my husband taking time off work to shuttle the boys to serve First Friday Mass and on other activities, brought me safely to my destination.  A well written and mind-blowing book, The Harbinger, by Jonathan Cahn, kept me occupied and gave great food for thought...
Dinner with a highly recommended book ~ a must read!

Travel essentials, packed per high security requirements

Hotel lobby ~ with full groundhog coverage 
to be continued...

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