
Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Grow an Eagle Scout {7 Easy Steps}

Zachary salutes the US flag at his Eagle Court of Honor, held on his 18th birthday.


Begin with a rambunctious boy who loves adventures in the outdoors and reaching for the stars.
Cub Scouts Ryan, Zac, Canon, and AJ enjoy the muddy shores of Baker Lake, with Mt. Baker looming beyond (2003).
2008 hike on Galbraith Mountain with Zachary in charge of the crew as a den chief in action.


Add a uniform, an oath and law, teach him to live up to his promises, to be a patriot, 
and to be obedient to rightful authority.
Zachary in his new Cub Scout uniform (2001) sporting his first lost tooth.


Focus on his extracurricular interests and hobbies, encourage him to discover new ones and teach others.
Riding on two wheels, Zachary on his first bicycle (2000).
Zachary steers Peter along the length of Lanezi Lake on an 80 mile canoe trip in the Canadian wilderness (2011).


Stay close to God and help him deepen his faith, grow in personal holiness and foster a servant's heart.
Zachary serves at the altar as acolyte on Easter Sunday 2011.


Explore the heights, but stay grounded in day to day requirements and chores; let him pack his own gear.
Zac crossing the Chilliwack River in style with AJ on our 50 mile hike in the North Cascades, 2008.


Encourage him to persevere and work diligently, connect him with virtuous mentors who can further his skills and help him fulfill his ambitions.
Zachary works on the historic carpentry merit badge with Mr. L as his guide, 2010.


Be his home base as he grows into a leader, pray unceasingly for him to realize and fulfill the unique mission for which he was created.
Zachary works on the roof of his Eagle {carport for our priests} project (2012).
Proud mama (Bridget), Eagle Scout (Zachary), Scoutmaster (Tim), First Class Scout (Peter), Life Scout (Joseph) 2012.
Congratulations on reaching Eagle Scout Rank, Zachary!

Now go visit Jen @ Conversion Diary for her hilarious 7 Quick Takes.


  1. Congrats - I wish I had been able to do Scouts.

  2. Many congratulations. Our oldest did well, but then discovered rowing and couldn't handle school, 6 day a week, 2 hour a day rowing workouts and scouting. I tried everything to keep him in until he became an Eagle. It truly is a family effort. You have a beautiful family!
