
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Anne Margaret {Reborn in Baptism}

Anne Margaret seems to know something very important is about to take place.

Anne Margaret is presented to the priest for baptism.

Answering our Lord's call to 'bring the little children to me,' Anne Margaret's parents, Michael and Daphne, brought her to the waters of baptism and to full Christian initiation at their Byzantine Catholic Church Sunday evening.  Anne Margaret's sacramental moments were precious, and I was blessed to be invited to the Divine Liturgy at which she became a fully initiated Catholic Christian.  She handled the whole experience very well, and radiated the light of Christ in full glory.

Anne Margaret is reborn in the waters of baptism!
Godmother Teresa hands newly baptized Anne Margaret to her mother, Daphne.
Anne Margaret is anointed with the sacred chrism oil; confirmed in her new faith by the sacrament of Chrismation (confirmation).  

Anne Margaret receives her First Holy Communion in her mother's arms.

Anne Margaret's mom, Daphne, is one of the amazing moms from whom I gain great inspiration for my ongoing journey as a Catholic home school mom.  We are part of a loosely organized but faithfully meeting moms' group from three counties and a number of parishes representing different Catholic rites.  Learning from each others' experiences in home schooling and growing together in faith, this group of moms and their families have a very special place in my heart.  We pray with each other when we meet, pray for each other when we're apart, and with great joy celebrate the sacraments together in our Churches on such occasions as Anne Margaret's rebirth into the Body of Christ. 

Father Joseph presents Anne Margaret to her Holy Mother Mary.
After the final blessing, the servers take a collection and offer a parting gift.

A mission parish of St. John Chrysostom, the Byzantine Catholic Church's Divine Liturgy is celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church every Sunday in Mt. Vernon, WA, at 5:30PM. 

The Byzantine Church is in full communion with the Universal Catholic Church.

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