
Monday, April 30, 2012

A Big Announcement {Zachary's Choice University}

Click to play the video and witness Zachary 
sharing his long awaited university decision with Grandpa Pete...

Praise God!


  1. I'm a a 4H meeting so I cannot play the video, but I'm assuming Notre Dame...Godspeed Zachary!

  2. Go Irish!!! What tho' the odds be great or small!

  3. While we wish the young man only the best in his future, it has to be noted that Notre Dame has become essentially a secular university. For goodness sake they even had Barack Obama, one of America's most extreme advocates of abortion, as the commencement speaker in 2009.

    Seems one might as well have chosen the hometown University or even UW or Stanford.
    Will be praying for him and the entire family.

    For more on ND having become secular
