
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Faith on Fire {Family Camp-Out & Conference}

It took two cars to get our family + gear to the second annual family camp and conference in Anacortes at Saint Mary's Catholic Church, but it was well worth the extra fuel costs and packing hassles.
Tim and Zachary work together to set up a borrowed gigantic 2-room tent, complete with a nursery room for the twins.

Zachary, Peter, Joseph and Jonah play cards at our campsite.

The gang's all here: gathered under the big tent for dynamic Catholic speakers... 
including Rev. Mr. Harold Burke-Sivers, a passionate Christian on a mission!
Listening from outside the big tent, we enjoyed Sister Miriam James Heidland's inspirational talk.

Gabriel plays with Leia in the sun.

Joseph finds shelter under the kitchen table in the wee hours of a rainy Sunday morning; sleeping in a bivy sack does have its disadvantages in the Pacific Northwest!

Bunking with Tony, Peter had precious little sound sleep.

Faith on Fire
Catholic Family Conference
August 10-12, 2012
Saint Mary Catholic Church, Anacortes, WA

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