
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4H & the NW Washington Fair {Blue Ribbons}

Peter sneaks a smile to his fans during the 4H judging

Peter earned a blue ribbon and advanced to the final round for the novice group. 

Joseph shows Luke & Leia his show pigeon before his judging session began at the NW Washington Fair yesterday.

Thanks to Grandpa Cliff and Grandma Billie, Peter and Joseph competed in a 4H Fit & Show yesterday at the NW Washington Fair.  They were quizzed on their pigeon knowledge, on topics ranging from breeds to body parts to diseases.  Both boys fared well, and Peter advanced to the final round.  Blue ribbons for each, they enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the fit & show and also led the 4H group in the opening ceremonial parade at day 1 of the fair.

As their fan club, we watched the fit & show and secretly tried to distract the opposing chickens with corn on the cob from the stands (not really, well, really, but not on purpose).  After the 4H festivities were concluded, we ventured out for a delicious fair meal of shaved BBQ beef and mighty expensive lemonade.
We bumped into our favorite family from Lethsoto, and a wonderful priest from Ferndale, and enjoyed a leisurely meal and play time on the shady lawn.

Haggling for a hammock, trying on fancy hats, milking a fake cow, visiting the pro-life booth and climbing on tractors (all while pulling out all the stops to entertain and distract overly tired and stroller-weary twins); we wrapped up the evening at the fair.  Our crew came home tired and satisfied...except for Joseph, who was itching to spend his money on rides... The lure of the carnival had him captivated and he made plans with Grandma Billie to go back to the fair today for a bit of fast paced, exhilarating (expensive) action.
Joseph and the competition at judging time

Joseph with the blue ribbon he earned during the 4H Fit & Show.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't want 2 get 2 the second round cuz then i would hav had 2 wait 4 another hour 2 do it.
