
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bye Bye Big Boys {BSA Summer Camp}

While packing for summer camp, Peter tries to convince "Tony" to play the silence game.

An annual adventure, today Boy Scout summer camp begins for Zachary, Joseph, Peter and Tim.  All the packing, preparing and planning finally gave way to the actual experience, and what an experience Boy Scout summer camp can be:
  • Zachary anticipates joining the ranks of BSA Lifeguard, requiring a full time commitment at the camp's waterfront.  A text message on his ride to camp read: "oops I forgot my Speedo" but he was wearing a new set of standard swim trunks so he'll probably manage.
  • Joseph, patrol leader for the Burning Bullfrogs, is excited to spend this week at COPE, now that he's finally old enough for the awesome high climbing course.  He is also the troop historian, so he's prepared with a camera, extra batteries and 2G memory card.
  • Peter will work on the canoe and swimming merit badges and on First Class Scout skills. He will lead the new Erupting Eagle patrol as their patrol leader. 
  • Tim and the other adult leaders will be tracking and supervising the Scouts and sitting for several Scoutmaster conferences as the boys attempt to advance in rank.
With a fresh buzz cut for summer camp, Joseph carries his patrol flag pole to the vehicle.

Although I made plans for "Tony" which would have allowed me to follow the caravan to camp and stay for the first 24 hours, I was stricken with a terrible flu-like illness yesterday; plus our new "Luke & Leia" foster twin placements caused my plans to change quite suddenly and dramatically.  So instead of rowdy camp songs and a not-so-bug-proof shelter, I'm doing double high chair, double diaper, double bath, and double child-proofing duty.  "Tony" is off on his one night respite visit with his former foster family, probably enjoying a break from all the chaos of the past few days.

Slightly scruffy, but ready for his seventh BSA summer camp, Zac heads to the car.

Saying goodbye to the boys (and in a special way, Peter, for his first-ever week at Scout Camp) was a tear-jerker.  I lament the fact that I can't go along, yet am at peace knowing that I am needed here in an altogether new and unexpected way. 
1/4 of the troop's summer camp crew, ready for the rendezvous and summer camp departure.

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