
Friday, November 19, 2010

Male and Female {Created}

At Hannigan Pass, Zachary and I stopped to capture the moment after hiking our first mile on a 50 mile trek across three passes and over to our destination: Ross Lake.
Ok, so Zachary didn't really want a photo of himself being kissed by mom... but I was thrilled that he had hiked back a mile to carry my pack that last bit of the way.

Zachary crossing
Descending Whatcom Pass, heading for Beaver Pass
Very happy to see Tim, and even happier to let him carry my pack the final 4 miles out

After a 43 mile, 4 night hiking adventure; and a 4 night canoe camping adventure, our family was reunited on Ross Lake.

One of my best memories from the 50 mile hike with Zachary and his friends and their mom was the day that Tim and the boys (and the other half of the other family) hiked in several miles from their canoe campsite on Ross Lake to hike out with us.

Was Tim ever a sight for sore eyes!  Of course I was happy to see Joseph and Peter, but seeing Tim was like a seeing a light at the end of the tunnel!  He immediately offered to carry my pack and I gladly agreed.  I know there was a time in my life when I would have flatly refused such a gentlemanly offer for the sake of proving my own strength or independence.  But I humbly accepted his offer and I felt so loved and cared for (and light) on that hike out.
Such a simple gift, but so meaningful.

On day 3, near the summit of Beaver Pass, Zac (then 14) had hiked back down about a mile (after reaching camp and setting down his own gear) to offer to carry my pack.  I tried to kiss him I was so happy.  The kiss part didn't work out, but the bid to relieve me of the weight of the load for the final mile was a winner.  The gratitude in my heart made that last mile a breeze.

I fondly remembered these moments from the summer of 2008 after an incident at Costco...

While shopping at Costco yesterday, I stopped to sample some Brie on crackers with topped with spicy goo.   The sample lady couldn't open the can of goo, and when I spotted her male associate approaching I suggested that she let him open it for her.
Not so fast!  She was clearly not willing to relinquish the task, and instead tried stabbing the lid with her knife to get it open.

Again I proposed, "Let him open it for you." 
He took it and opened it easily and wandered back to whatever he was doing.

She said, "I was determined to open it, I didn't want him to have to open it for me!"
I replied, "I say just hand it to the guy and stand back and watch him work!"

Questioningly, she asked, "That's all they're good for?"
"No," I explained, "That's what they're made for!"

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