
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mission Week

Luke, Peter, Jonah, Joseph, Kevin, Cathy, and Zachary at the memorial for the unborn at St. Mary's.

Father Pinto signs Zachary's Christian Prayer book, joining the many other priests 
& bishops whose signatures are collected there.
Joseph, Peter, Father Pinto, and Zachary at the close of the mission at St. Mary's.

We had the awesome opportunity to attend a 4-day mission held at St. Mary's in Anacortes, led by Father Pinto.  Father Pinto's talks were so inspiring, covering topics such as: prayer, discipleship, healing and       discernment.

Each day began with Mass at 9AM, followed by a short break (with snacks and sweets) before the talk.
Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and confession followed each day's session.

Our family benefited greatly from attending this mission together, such a gift to take time away from the world and get grounded spiritually.

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