
Friday, May 28, 2010

Flashback Friday
Denmark 1995
Born fascinated by the written word, Zachary studies the Danish sign in downtown Copenhagen.

Known for his powerful lungs (ie. screaming talent) and his strength of will, Zachary refused to accept confinement the pram with docility.

An official world traveller before age 1; here's Zachary's first passport photo.

Our journey to Denmark when Zachary was 11 months old centered around celebrating the marriage of our friends Mike and Anne (pronounced anNuh).
We travelled with three of Tim's groomsmen and life-long buddies, Eric, Sean and Dave; two of whom were wise enough to pay a little extra not to have to sleep in the same flat as Iron Lungs (Zac). 
We were hard-core "lay the child down and let him cry himself to sleep" parents, and as such, the 5+ hours of screaming (what were we thinking?) on night one, convinced the other friend to switch accommodations immediately, at any cost.
Mike and Anne had made arrangements for us to take over her sister's apartment for the first week, a friend's apartment for another week, and our 3rd week was split between a bed & breakfast and a cruise to Sweden & Norway.
While there, we met up with Linnea, a Finnish exchange student who had lived with my family in 1981-2.
We saw many amazing sights and spent many wonderful days enjoying the journey with our friends.
Fine print:  Paying off our VISA bill took many months (or was it years?) after that adventure!

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