
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


If I were not a Cub Scout, I wonder what I'd be?

If I were not a Cub Scout...
 A hippie I would be!
Hey man, cool man!  Far out, wow!
Peter's Webelos den performed an old classic at last night's pack meeting, and Peter played the hippie (as you can plainly see).  Standing between the plumber (Aaron) and the farmer (Jonah), Peter shows his dramatic flair.

The anticipation of winning in the pack meeting raffle keeps the Webelos' attention.
(seen here: Enoch, Nicholas, Jonah & Peter)

The skits and songs performed by the other dens keep the Webelos giggling & cheering
throughout the pack meeting.  Rather than following the Cub Scout program 'by the book,' our homeschool pack opts for hosting pack meetings in even months (rather than every month).
Getting the entire pack (siblings, grandparents and all) together for the celebration of awards and the performing of skits, songs, and pack wide games~ is a huge undertaking.  Rather than taxing our leaders and parents with a monthly obligation, we have always opted to have our pack meetings 6x/year.  Yes, the boys have to wait a bit longer for their awards, but the anticipation builds character!

One of the highlights of every pack meeting is the 'games with Dave' segment.
One of our (great) dads sets up a pack-wide game or adventure, opening up the pack meeting for gross motor madness.  Thanks, Dave!
Pack meetings are family events, and for us it means all 5 are in uniform. 
Last night, Tim and Zac competed against one another in the 'fast hands' competition.

Cubmaster and Webelos Den Leader, Mr. M. awards Peter his Webelos rank award.
Peter worked very hard and quite of his own accord to earn this award by a deadline he set for himself.
It involved more writing than he's probably done in his life.  Peter also had to pass several conferences with his den leaders, who confirmed point by point that Peter knew and understood the Boy Scout oath, law, motto; the outdoor code and more.  Peter also had to make special commitments to his religious/spiritual  growth, and discuss those goals and their fruits with his den leaders.
Earning the rank of Webelos is a huge milestone, and we are so proud of Peter's accomplishment.

Now we have 4 men in our house who have all earned the rank of Webelos.
Peter will be joining the others 4 in earning the highest rank in Cub Scouts, the Arrow of Light in a few months.  As this is the centennial celebration year for Scouting, Peter's Webelos rank award has a special centennial design.
As a special gift for Peter, we gave him a Boy Scouts of America Centennial Silver Dollar.
Our traditional celebration of rank usually includes a special dessert or dinner out with grandparents. 
But this centennial gift is a great keep-sake, and we couldn't resist!

Congratulations, Peter!

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