
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Final Preparations for the Easter Triduum:
Holy Wednesday
Yesterday was a big day of preparation for the Easter Triduum, which will begin tonight, at our 
Holy Thursday Mass of our Lord's Last Supper, continue with tomorrow's Good Friday celebration, and conclude with Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday.

The 40 days of lent have been a time of preparation for spiritual readiness, with special additional prayer time, works of charity above & beyond the norm, alms giving, fasting, and reconciliation.
Now the final physical preparations are being made to prepare our worship space and to train our ministers.

Zachary held a second rehearsal for the altar servers who will serve in the Easter Vigil Mass, which will be our first Easter liturgy.  Zachary is again the MC for the Easter Vigil, and worked diligently (and meticulously) with the servers (including his younger brothers) to prepare for the celebration.  They have many roles to fill, and the liturgy is multi-faceted.  It is an amazing liturgy! 
Many new members will be welcomed into the Church at Easter Vigil celebrations world-wide.

The altar servers are prepared and ready to serve, now let's just hope they get a nap on Saturday so they can stay alert for the 9-midnight Mass!

Peter captured this beautiful sunset as we were leaving Church last night.
We spent over 5 hours at Church yesterday helping to prepare for the Triduum and also celebrating a funeral Mass.  What a blessed way to pass Holy Wednesday...

1 comment:

  1. seeing these photos make me miss Bellingham and Sacred Heart so much!
