
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Scene in Vancouver
Riding the new transit trains into the city was a huge bonus.
Riding the escalator in the train station was also a bit hit (bigger with some than others).

Our one mis-hap on our day in Vancouver occurred at the end of the day when we rushed to jump onto a train which was just departing a downtown station.
The train was crowded, so we had to skip a few doors to race up to an emptier part of the train.
Joseph didn't quite catch the urgency factor, and was left on the platform when the doors began to slide shut.
Luckily, Tim noticed we were short one boy, and forced the doors back open (his great, brute strength coming in handy!).  He jumped out as the train began to pull away.
Meanwhile, I was comfortably seated on the train, taking in the sights.
Zac strolled up alongside my seat and asked, "You know Dad and Joe aren't on this train, right?"
Me, "NO!  Where are they?"
"Joseph didn't make the train, so dad jumped off at the last minute."
Cell phone call followed, plans to meet at destination secured.
Breathe a sigh of relief.

The street entertainers had the crowds spell-bound with their amazing stunts.
This juggler has us in stitches he was so funny.
"Gentlemen, please do not clap with your hands in your pockets..."
This statue-performer was spell-binding.
The color of her eyes was a piercing blue, which stood out in stark contrast to the bronze body paint.

Zip line rides across a city block would have been a sure highlight of our day...
except that the line was about 6+ hours long!

Seeing the crowds in full colors before (and during, and after)
the gold medal hockey game was especially memorable.

Ah, the Olympics...

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