
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Morning

Small Group

Our weekly routine includes a special morning Latin Mass on Saturdays in the Chapel at our church.

The readings and the homily are in English, but the Mass is in Latin. The boys love it and they are learning Latin (Zachary as a course of high school study, J & P for fun on the side).

It's been a great experience to set aside this special time on Saturday mornings for worship first and for fellowship after. There is a group of dedicated attendees who make the small group meeting (coffee hour) after Mass a highlight of our week.... especially Father Qui Thac. Every week we gather 'round the table and Father gives us a 'sharing' topic. One by one we go around (you call on the next person after you share) and answer the question of the week.

We have grown close to our friends who range in age from.... let's say senior citizen down to Peter at age 9 (and the occasional younger visitors). We are married, ordained, widowed, single, and discerning. We have had the great pleasure of getting to know a few WWU Newman Center students, and who (having graduated) are going to be greatly missed. They are going on to seminary and into the Jesuit Service Corps, and we look forward to many updates on their new adventures in faith.

Please pray for baby Owen Quinn W. who is not doing well after a difficult birth. Pray for his parents, Rod & Kara, and pray for his siblings.

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