
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Patrol Formation
Joseph's patrol, formerly known as his Webelos Den (plus 1) has taken Boy Scouts by storm! They've been Boy Scouts for a little over a month now, and they're starting make their mark on the troop.
Voting to name their new patrol "Burning Bullfrogs" was one of their first big decisions. (A close second was "Pandas of Doom.") Electing Joseph as their first Patrol Leader was another.
As patrol leader, Joseph helped recruit a few artists from the patrol to paint an image on their new patrol flag. (His own attempts at drawing the frog himself did not net the desired result!) Seen here painting are his good friends and fellow Burning Bullfrogs Boaz and Ezra, who did an outstanding job replicating the patrol patch which each member of the patrol will wear on his uniform. (No, the BSA did not have a standard issue "Burning Bullfrog" patch. Instead the boys are adding flames and fire to the standard issue "frog" patch with fabric paint. Clever, eh?)
At the patrol gathering before last night's troop meeting, members of the BB patrol each helped paint the lettering on the flag, and then signed it. I have a feeling we're going to see great things from these new Scouts!

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