
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The stockings are hung...
The nearness of our Savior's birth is too exciting! Today our family will travel to be with my family in Seattle for a dinner gathering at my Grandma's house (she's 91). The drive should be interesting to say the least! Tim made sure we packed emergency supplies to be prepared. So we are.
There will be 11 cousins 15 & under, so there will be a fair bit of chaos... but we always enjoy the opportunity to see the family all together.
Today after Mass the boys gave Father a homemade cross for Christmas. He said he would wait and open it tomorrow. He's going to spend the rest of today in prayer before the 5 Christmas Masses begin at 5PM tonight. Pray for us!
Our family will attend the 11AM Mass tomorrow, and the 3 boys will be altar servers. Join us!
Merry Christmas everyone (someone?), Bridget

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