
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snowy life
Well it has been a week now with the full coverage. Bet the mountain is really something to behold! We have yet to make our first runs of the season. But the sledding opportunities have been ripe, and tonight the fort building began in earnest.
Thanks to 4WD, we have been able to attend to most of our normal activities. (Except most of our normal activities have been cancelled due to snow!) The one thing that won't be cancelled for snow is Mass, and today all 5 of us were able to attend the Saturday morning (Latin) Mass together. It was a special treat to have Tim join us for the occasion, and for the coffee hour afterward downhill from Sacred Heart (photo at left).
At coffee, Father asked each person share a high and a low from this week, as well as one material and one spiritual wish for Christmas.
Peter: wished for more snow and to become a better altar server
Joseph: wished for a plasma car and for to not laugh when other people laugh while he's serving
Zac: wished for pick-ups for his violin (and an amplifier) and to memorize all the responses for the Latin Mass.

In a pinch, I volunteered to be the substitute linen laundress for church. It's a big job, with special instructions/traditions. Since I'm not very adept at ironing, (Tim might say, "You can iron?!) it took me about 3 hours to iron all the special linens and carefully remove any black dog hairs.
Tonight Joseph began packing buckets full of snow to pile up as the base of his snow fort (dark photo). He attempted/wished to stay outside until 10PM for his fort construction, but was called in at 9:30 for bed. I know it will be the first thing on his mind tomorrow!
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