
Monday, November 24, 2008

Altar Servers

Zachary loves to serve. So do his brothers. Sometimes they argue (politely) over who will serve at Mass and who won't (although there can be 3 servers, the "norm" is 2 on Sundays, and 1 or none on weekdays). This week there will be 2 more funerals, at which all 3 boys will serve.

What I love most about our boys being altar servers:
  • I love having them so close to the Lord!
  • I am awed by their reverence.
  • I am inspired by their desire to serve.
  • They have a real sense of being connected to, and an important part of, our liturgy.
They like to hear stories from Tim about his days as an altar server.
Some stories highlight the "what TO do," and some stories focus more on the "what NOT to do."
I wish I had a few photos of him as an altar server!

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