
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Safe Travels

Our relocation from our current (leased) location to our new (owned) location is in full swing.
A friend of the shop offered to donate his time to move the most difficult item~ our 2-ton safe.Here it is, being driven down the street. Kind of an odd sight, wouldn't you say? (First time loading a video, so hopefully it will play for you.)

Tim's been working very hard to get all the gears in motion for the relocation. It's been such a big project that it's taken a bite out of his ability to sleep through the night.

Hopefully it will all be complete by January 31st and we can be "rent free" for the month of February.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Triple Baptism Anniversary Today!

Tim, Zachary and I all share this day as the anniversary of our Christian baptism. For Tim and me, it's been 41 years, and for Zachary, it's been 14 years since being claimed for Christ and reborn through the waters of baptism.

Zac's baptism photos (here) show him on his big day, with Tim and me and with his Godparents (my little brother, Peter, and our dear friend, Aileen).

Zachary was baptized at St. Benedict Catholic Church in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle. It was a big celebration, with about 40 guests and a party with sub sandwiches (thanks, Mom) and cake.

Grandpa Cliff video taped the whole thing. (Thanks, Cliff! We should pull it out & watch it again soon!)

We requested Zachary be baptized at a private Saturday morning baptism in the chapel rather than at the Sunday Mass so that he could share our baptism date. For this reason, too, we waited a bit later than we would have otherwise. He was nearly 6 months old! See how sweet he looked in his white tuxedo (again, thanks, Mom!).

Tim, too, was baptized at St. Benedict Catholic Church on this day in 1968. How awesome that father and son share the same day and the same church!

I was baptized in San Francisco, CA, where my dad was in medical school and my mom was a nurse. I believe the church was St. Agnes. My Godparents are my dad's sister, Sue, and my mom's brother, Dan. They couldn't be there on my baptism day, but one of the stand-in's was my great grandmother (and namesake) Bridget Theresa McIntyre. How wonderful that my grandparents and great grandmother travelled to California for my first sacrament!

Do we remember our baptisms? Maybe not the actual day's events, no. But certainly we remember our baptismal call to be priests, prophets and kings for the Lord.

How Tim and I came to really know & remember our shared baptism date is a fun story...

In preparation for our Nuptial Mass (sacrament of matrimony) we had to provide our baptismal certificates to the church in which we were to be wed (St. Patrick's, Tacoma). As we waited to be called in to meet with the priest we compared documents and were stunned to see the exact same baptismal date on our certificates! That's when I (we) knew our marriage was truly God's will. I still get goosebumps thinking about that awesome moment of discovery!

Happy baptism day, Tim and Zac (and me)!

The Catholic Church is merely continuing the tradition established by the first Christians, who heeded the words of Christ: "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God" (Luke 18:16).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chili Contest Runners Up
Peter and Joseph celebrate a second place 'victory' in the Knights' annual chili cook off competition.
Considering this was their first time entering the contest, and that they began cooking at 3PM (for a 5:50PM entry deadline) second place is something to scream about!
There were 11 entries, all delicious (except one). Side dishes included corn bread and Cole slaw.
Joseph's homemade hot sauce made its debut at the event, served as a side option with the boys' chili.
Don't ask for the recipe... it's top secret!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Qualifying Time!
Zachary hit the mark for district qualification yesterday at his home swim meet.
He qualified with a 6.39 in the 500 freestyle.
His team is still undefeated, and seems to be unstoppable.
It's fun to shoot swimming, especially with a mentor like you, Pat! Thanks for the tips and for bringing your talent (and glass!) to the meet. Zac especially liked the second photo shown here, as he prepared to launch in his final relay race. (Great shot, Pat!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Journey to the center of the capitol
In support of the annual March for Life, we filled our van and headed south to Olympia yesterday.
The weather was gorgeous~ the crisp, cold air cooled us as we marched... or rather raced for life. There are few challenges more tempting for young boys (having been trapped in seat belts for 2+ hours, followed by 1+ hour in church) than a sidewalk clogged with slow-moving adults through which to dash and dodge.
I must say, my gang of high-spirited "demonstrators" navigated crowded walkways with ease and courtesy. Once I asked an elderly priest they had just blown past whether or not he had been bumped... was he OK? He smiled, obviously delighted with their energy and enthusiasm and blessed me! Wouldn't you know it would be him that I nearly knocked over a half an hour later as we departed the hot dog line at St. Michael's Church? Funny.
Our trip to the capitol also included a brief tour inside the legislative building. Drinking out of the marble fountain inside was a highlight for the boys.
The drive was awesome~ viewing sunrise colors over Mt. Baker on the way down, and seeing the mountain glow pink at sunset on the way home were a few amazing moments. We also had a blue heron fly over right in front of the van.
Join us in Praying for Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Veterinary Surgeons {Working Overtime}

Joseph films Tim's splinter removal surgery, by a team of familial veterinarians.
Tim's pinkie finger needed surgical splinter removal (from a month-old incident). Doctors Craig and Bethany (known for their excellent care for our pets) stepped right up and created a little triage center at the kitchen counter.  We filmed the procedure for quality control purposes, and for evidence in case we decide to sue.  Despite the fact that the digging was done with sewing needles into pinkie subcutaneous tissue without any numbing meds, Tim survived. He was glad to have the strange object removed from his finger, and to have saved a few hundred dollars in the process.
The real reason for the get-together: Grandma Billie's birthday

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My favorite shot from the meet....
...but Zachary says it shows his poor form.
I think it shows a strong young man, giving it his best in a race.
Way to go, Zac!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Zac had a suim meet on 1.16.09.
He won his JV race!
He is just coming off the block here.
Mom is a good photographer.
Yes that is Zac... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??????
By: Peter

Monday, January 12, 2009

Birthday #9 for Peter
A good time was had by all.
More soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ordination Mass for Father Tom
The liturgy was absolutely beautiful. So many grace filled moments...
Highlight for me: when our newly ordained priest's wife and children brought up the gifts (I've never seen that before!).
Something I will never forget: the burning bush (a floral arrangement was rushed out of the church engulfed in flame, crackling and smoking from a side chapel, where a stray candle had perhaps lit the dry foliage?).
OK, one more highlight: seeing Joseph and Peter serve as candle bearers with their friends Lawrence and Josie, processing and recessing with the tall candles... (and nothing catching fire!)
Joseph and Peter are seen posing after the Mass with Bishop Tyson, with whom Peter served his very first Mass at our church a few years ago. Joseph (scheduled to serve that day) had the flu, and as a sub, Peter served without ever having been formally trained... at a Mass with the visiting Bishop! He had learned what to do by close observation of his brothers serving. Peter has such fond memories of that first time serving that he begged me not to give away the (outgrown) pants he wore that morning! Should I put them in a scrapbook? I've never seen pants in a scrapbook, but this could be the start of a new trend in scrap booking...
After the Mass and reception we headed down to the Old Spaghetti Factory for a (day) early celebration of my dad (Peter) and my son (Peter)'s birthdays.
What a great day to visit the Emerald City...
Congratulation to Father Tom and to his family and to our whole archdiocese!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Teaching time
Joseph's friends Boaz and Ezra memorize chords of a Christmas song as Joseph plays on their sister's guitar (brought over for tuning). One minute the boys will be playing and running around like wild (notice the nerf rifles on Ezra's lap?), and the next~ one of them will ask Joseph to play something on the guitar.

They are all interesting in learning to play guitar, and take turns while they are here. The piano also gets played, the drum gets beaten, and occasionally a mandolin or fiddle comes into play.
I hope they learn to play music together someday, combining instruments and voices... but I'm not pushing or even suggesting, except here... where I find this photo too great to pass up, even though it's a few days old!

Tomorrow Zachary has to be on the swim team bus by 4:45AM! He set 3 alarms before going to bed by 8:30 tonight. He'll be gone all day, competing at a huge meet in King County. A highlight will likely involve the fact that his team gets to stop at a Mongolian Grill on their way home! Or that Grandma Billie and Grandpa Cliff are travelling down to see him compete.

Tim and Joseph were supposed to be at the mountain with the troop, but the trip was cancelled (rescheduled) due to avalanche danger and uncertain road conditions.

So now Peter and I will have the joy of Joseph's company on our venture to Seattle tomorrow. Tim is going to work and try to get caught up.

Hope your weekend is looking bright!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Creek Jumping
or failing to jump the creek
This afternoon Peter, Joseph and 2 friends decided to go out in the pouring rain to explore along the creek banks. The creek is much more powerful this time of year, and they found that they couldn't follow the trail any further and decided to jump the creek.
Enoch went over with a little splash.
Judah went over with a little splash.
Joseph went over with a little more splash.
Peter went in.
Peter decided rather than just jumping the creek like the others, he would pole vault over the creek.
Warned, but not heeding the warning, he attempted his (first?) pole vault. He was very surprised to land in the water up to his chest. He scrambled out, very cold... and had to jump the creek again to get home. Leaving the pole vaulting idea aside, he attempted another leap and made a big splash, but got to the other side and ran home.
I heard knocking at the door, and when I opened it, this is what Charlie and I found.
Soggy boy, with leaf sticking out of the waistband of his pants.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Birthday Girl

Today's my day, I'm 41 years old.

It's a good time to say:
  • Thanks to my mom and dad for bringing me into the world and bringing up
  • Thanks to Tim for 17+ years of marriage
  • Thanks to my family and Tim's family and our family for loving me through the decades
  • Thanks to all my friends for their support, friendship and prayers
  • Thanks be to God!
Yesterday I was the guest of honor at a very special party, hosted by Cliff and Billie. They surprised me by inviting our friends Pam & Richard, and Tim (Dr. Dude) from church. We ate a delicious meal of jambalaya & rice, homemade fruity coleslaw... pumpkin dessert w/ whipped cream! I am spoiled.

Today, though, I am going to miss having a lemon meringue pie made by my mom. I think I shall make one myself, in honor of my mother and all her dedication to raising me/us.

For anyone who missed receiving our traditional "quotes of the year", I will post a few here as I come across the various post-it notes and scribbled-on receipts. Either there are fewer and fewer quotable quotes every year, or I have grown slack in recording them...but they are still fun to share.

Here's one from Joseph (said to Peter):
"Even though you're really annoying, you're much better than a little sister."

For the record: My little sister is not annoying! (anymore :) ) Thank for being caller #1 today, Molly!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fish and fruit
Joseph and Peter are enjoying a their Christmas gifts~ spending gift $ on fish for the tank (Peter) and creating flaming fruit hot sauce (Joseph). Joseph wears the gloves as he skins the kiwi, in anticipation of working with the habernero peppers.
The hardest part about the hot sauce making is the waiting... it takes one week to set-up in the bottle (in the fridge). Joseph is counting the days, in anticipation of the moment he can taste his fiery creation.
Oh, there was one other difficult part about making the hot sauce... finding an elusive "cayenne pepper." We drove all over town, even visiting a local Hispanic grocer, only to strike out. No cayenne's to be found. Coming home, we decided to look it up online to see what information might assist our search. From wiki, we learned that there is no such thing as an actual cayenne pepper, but that it refers to any of a variety of red peppers... duh! Could have saved some $ on gas, and some free time if we'd researched BEFORE searching. Oh well, now we know.
The fish tank is doing well. Peter says, "I got a glass catfish. It's awesome, you can see right through it! I got 3 light glow tetras. They're pretty cool, they glow in the light. My oldest fish, a rasbora, I've had since February '08! You have to mix the water to get the new fish used to the tank. "